Have you ever seen a hedgehog uncurl? At first all you see is a tiny ball of quivering spikes huffing and puffing on the ground. Then slowly, very slowly, a little nose appears twitching and sniffing, tentatively investigating what is just outside that protective barrier of spines. Pop! There goes one foot! Pop, pop! There go the rest! Then the cutest face you've ever seen appears, as if to say, "Well this isn't so bad after all!" Then off it goes running, climbing, sniffing, eating, living an enjoyable life!
Sometimes I feel like a hedgehog. I have dreams and goals, things I want to do and accomplish...but the world seems so intimidating. What if I go out there and find out I'm too slow, weak or dumb to do the things I want? What if unforeseen circumstances pop up and knock me down? This blog will hopefully help me be brave, keep me on track, and help me accomplish the things that I want to with my life. Hopefully I can also impart some wisdom and ideas about life in general to those who need it!
Since I will go on forever about myself if given the opportunity (a bad habit I know), here are a few descriptors for me: Red head, Vet Student, Type 1 Diabetic (24years and counting), Animal Lover, Avid reader, "Writer", Singer, Baker, Cook, Geek, Nerd, Romantic, History Hobbyist, Facebook Addict, Average student, Asian Wannabe, and Proud Hedgehog Owner!!!
To give you an idea of what this blog will be about here are some of my goals I am trying to accomplish:
1. Prepare for Warrior Dash in Colorado August 2010
2. Lose 53 lbs, by the end of December 2010
3. Graduate from vet school successfully
4. Pass Boards Successfully
5. Become a IHA Registered Hedgehog Rescue by the time I am 30 years old
There are short and long term goals there, but there are many other small ones that I will be writing about in between. Also, I will be going to Africa this summer for 3 weeks and doing veterinary learning there about conservation medicine, so hopefully I will post journals and pictures after the trip. First I have to get through the last 4 weeks of classes for my sophomore year of vet school, no easy task. We have a Small Animal Medicine exam on Tuesday, hurdle number 1. I am also currently going to a personal trainer, so I have to finish up all of the sessions with her before finals week, plus I have to get my apartment ready for sublease! Lots of things to do, and very little time, but part of life is mixing work and fun, so hopefully the blog will flourish!