The past few days have been full of excitement for me. On Wednesday I went to an important meeting with one of my teachers from Vet School. He is coordinating a new satellite school for Chinese students and is working with The Chinese Association of Veterinary Medicine to help improve the standard of care for all animals in China. At the meeting he announced to me that I would be his part time employee during the school year, and would be helping bring all of these projects to fruition. Yay!!! I finally have something going for me in vet school!
On Thursday I started my final mentorship at a mixed practice in Clay Center, KS. So far I've seen a few cows, and lots of dogs and cats. It has been really fun, but every night I come home so tired I can barely make it inside. Luckily Max has been making dinner most nights, so I can come home and veg on the couch. Still, I have been far to exhausted to bake, blog, or exercise. I have also been in a terrible mood. I have been really depressed and angry at myself, and I can't really figure out why. I just feel like I am constantly failing at life, and anything else I try to do. Soooo...good news, bad news and lots of uncertainty. Hopefully I will bake something tonight or tomorrow. I have muffins to make!
P.S. I love this baby anteater (Zooborns.com). He looks so sleepy, just like me. :)
Congratulations Katie! You are so amazing. Tell Max to take better care of you - dinner every night, a cold drink when you walk in the door, and a foot rub, might be nice :-) We love you!